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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Dummy Vertical HF antenna!

This antenna is a good one for emergency use! Or if you are all out of tuners! Just add a T-connector at the End of your coax and put one end to a dummy load and the center of the other coax on the antenna! Bam Instant dummy vertical!

HF Ham Radio Antennas For Apartments

Love all of this Guys Blog! Lots of badass antennas!,53

Here are some apartment antennas!

A Stealthy HF Coat Hanger Antenna!

Really Neat Idea! Seems to be a winner! I'm building one today!!

N3OX 3m Flex Vertical, a Short, Frequency Agile Vertical

Really Neat Super short HF Vertical antenna! Very Cool!!

Here is a link!